Want something random from other countries?
I just saw this on click on BBC. It is a web site where you can ask world travelers to bring you back stuff from afar. Need your cheesy-poofs? Anyway this is definitely something that needs a facebook plug-in. http://www.bringsome.com/
and traveling back from venezuela anytime soon, please we need some restocking on harina Pan, Cocosete, Susy, Pirulin and some other stuff.....want a bigeer list simplye reply on me and we'll manage the details....best regards
Is my sarcasim detector broken or do you all just not get it?
I need some stuff from Karachi. Some important documents and I don't want to risk losing them by courier
As long as its not abused great idea.
PS. just will not carry sealed packages for ANYONE>
Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.
- Ben Franklin
yes, could someone bring me some pork scratchings from the UK please?.......
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Why not start something similar here at Qatar Living..Since we are all living here in Qatar and we are all expats, we can help our fellow expats by bringing in stuff for them when we are travelling.
To start with, I need someone to bring in something for me from Karachi.. So anyone out there, please let me know if you know someone arriving from Karachi in the near future.. Cheers
there always inventor around ready to take the world.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong it depends where you stand.
what a great idea
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum sonatur.