
By simplecomplex •
I had colds and tonsillitis for the past two weeks so I've been buying Strepsils 18's from Lulu Pharmacy for 10 QR per box so all in all I've spent 30, and guess what I discovered? I was shopping at Lulu Hyper today and I was on the hygiene corner and saw that it only costs 8.50 per box! I've wasted 4.50!
How come it's cheaper in the grocery than in the pharmacy? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I'm feeling stupid. Really.
The reason medicine commonly available in stores and in Pharmacy always differ in price, as stores import them directly and pharmacies have to obtain them from registered medicine import agencies involving a third party which also gets its share of profit. So if buying Panadol, Strepsils, Mouthwash or other common medicines better check if available in supermarkets before buying them. it is a bit cheaper.
The reason is that in the Pharmacy section , there are a couple of female types with makeup and white coat to help you spend your money..
Everything is more expensive from a pharmacy!
You didnt know that? i thought it was known.. :-/
i can tell u there is not control on prices here. u ll find it for a different 3rd price in some other pharmacy. I bet ...
Difference of rent b/w pharmacy & grocery..!!
Buy from your neighbourhood grocery, you will get it even cheaper I think.. I bought them a couple of months back and I think I paid 7.50 QR
really?! you've been to the morgue Elegance?
good for you! mabruk!
And I hate Lulu pharmacy.. The sales people look and behave like they are working in the morgue.. :-(
@somwer, yeah I know. I'm just sharing the info. And yes, I'm completely healed now. How did I diagnose myself? Common sense I guess. And just to be sure I checked out the symptoms with google. Almost any/every info is on the net nowadays. And it's a common disease anyways.
@coffee, I'm doing well now with my self medication. Duh, it's only simple colds and tonsillitis, there's no need to do so much effort as to go to the hospital to consult a doctor.
@jamille, yeah, it's for tonsillitis.
oh well, you're the one who got sick and lost your money not us.
Strepsils is not a remedy for cold..
Rizks... I hope you are not an accountant :P
Don't bother, the question is did you get relief from cold
and tonsillitis?
There was a guy, who went for a cancer diagnosis, who spent about a hefty sum for the entire diagnostic procedure to which the result turned out to be negative.
His comment was "what a waste of money!" The whole thing was negative!
agree with TCOM...
Orelse, just log on to QL and ur sickeness will vanish in seconds....:)
wait a minute, how did you diagnose yourself? how did you come up to the conclusion that you have tonsillitis? are you sure you have tonsillitis?
Self medication is dangerous @ weeks and still no OK ...
Betetr consult a doctor.
LOL. Anyways, this is just another lesson learned.
and Jalebi tat was such a smart answer....:)
just buy from the supermarket next time then.
Ohh ok !
so if u multiply 1.50x 7 = 10.5
Then Lulu pharmacy is charging correct, coz .050 is his profit....:)
I once bought a packet of "Ribas". They look like strepsils, but Strepsils they Ain't!
Yeah, both will expire on 2013. There's no difference with the products at all. The only difference is the place where you bought it and tada! A QR1.50 difference. When it's actually the same Lulu Hypermarket.
Remember I bought three. So 1.50 x 3 = 4.50.
simple, next time buy strepsils in supermarket coz it's much cheaper
can you make up ur mind whether its 1.50 OR 4.50 - the difference ? :(
did you check the expiry dates ?
Same same made in India.
might be its chinese made or home made ? :)