Starting auto exporting business in Qatar

By International A... •
Hello everyone, I am starting an auto exporting business from the U.S to Qatar. I can find you any high end automobile and export it to Qatar. Our prices are extremely good, and we export only the best California cars. I have already exported some Mercedes and Rolls Royces to Qatar for some clients. If you guys are shopping for a new high end vehicle send me a p.m or an e-mail at [email protected]
I am looking forward to helping anyone in need of hard to find vehicles, and hopefully I can make some new friends when I visit my happy customers in August.
Best Regards,
Ali Sabeti-Kolahy
Looking for an old Corvette or Dodhe Charger (60's)
looking for a Fairlady Turbo, manual and convertible!
what would a mazda rx7 or a toyota supra cost?
I have a 2003.5 black/black E46 M3 available for immediate export. It only has 45000 miles. It has an upgraded exhaust system also. Send me a p.m and e-mail for the price.
California is the center of the car universe as I like to put it. We have an abundant supply of high end vehicles that you cannot find anywhere else in the world. I can get you literally any car from an lp640 lamborghini to a F40 Ferrari. Also, our cars are in excellent condition because we are relatively dry here with little rain.
Brit, that's strange as I have a friend works for the dealer in Bahrain and they had it there!
Did you Google it first?
What do Mercedes and Rolls Royce have to do with California State ? :S
Emad =>
I've been looking for an S2000.. Went to the Honda dealers, but they say that its not available here because it doesn't meet GCC specs.. whatever that means..
Looking for a good, clean, second hand Honda S2000. What can you do for me?
Did you Google it first?