Is MegaMart Closing down?

By jasminejasmine •
Does anyone know for sure if MegaMart (Landmark) is closing down or is it just a rumour? I love that store, it has all the little things I can't get anywhere else, like Marmite and free range eggs. I know that the new Carrefour is nearly finished and wonder if the rumours are just speculation. Inside information please! jj
Yes, there's another MegaMart, in between Samsung Techno Blue and KFC (drive-in).
Just came back from MegaMart in Landmark. I asked the staff about the fermeture and he told me it will be close in January but he's not sure on which date
I have heard through the Doha grapevine that it is closing - but they are looking for suitable places around that area to open in another place. Unfortunately I use both Megamarts, one is close to my home the other is close to work - the problem - they do actually stock some items that are different. mmmmmm we will have to wait and see.......
They would be insane to close Megamart before finding out how much the opening of Carrefour will affect business. Giant at Hyatt is still open even though Carrefour opened next door in Villagio. I do most of my shopping in Megamart because many of the things I want to buy are not available in Carrefour. I was a bit worried yesterday to see that the chiller shelves were not very well stocked. If Megamart does close, I'm damn sure that I won't be going to Carrefour instead.
I don't want it to close down either!! Is it as DeeDee said back in Sept. it's not closing down?
Ii don't think it would close down.
Megamart is mostly imports. Different niche.
I heard the same thing, what a bummer! Apparently Megamart doesn't want to compete with Carrefour at Landmark. There's another Megamart up Ramada Junction way, though, isn't there?
Are they going to connect MegaMart and Carrefour? Otherwise, they will need to keep both open.
Heard today MagaMArt is closing in January 2008.. Anyone heard about this update?
He is unable to find his favourite chapattis at Family Food Centre and not at our local corner shop either :(
They cost QR1 for 4 and are EXCELLENT. At those prices do you think the 'chef' went out of business, or saved up a fortune to return to his home country for a holiday?
I actually believe my husband was, today, going to telephone the number on the packaging to find out where his precious chapattis have gone :D
Sorry folks, although I have the recipe I AIN'T gonna try making them myself. Like a challenge as I may do, I'm not THAT brave!
I'm a Diehard LuLu fan (and I do bare some resemblance to Bruce Willis ;) )
I make a weekly trip to LuLu for my regular grocery shopping. They have everything: good bread, reasonably-priced meat, and friendly cashiers. Cons: no meat slices (or other Western-style food) and, recently, their vegs/apples are going down hill.
I'll give Giant Store a whirl after reading the rave reviews.
I meant even after carrefour OPENS sorry
I was in Megamart in Landmark on Sunday, September 9 and spoke with the manager. He said Megamart will stay even after Carrefour closes.
For anyone who's interested, in terms of fresh fruit and veg, I find time and again that (apart from the fruit and veg souq) Giant have the freshest produce. I try to purchase my fresh produce either from the f & v souq or from there...usually the one in Hyatt Plaza. It's worth making the effort to go there even if you don't live close by if you want crispy (no brown soggy bits) lettuce, the biggest spinach leaves in Qatar, and SO fresh, and red peppers that are juicy and crunchy...
Love is the answer...
I prefer MegaMart than any other store as well. While it doesn't hold a candle to Wal-Mart it does have more of the "American" brands that I want. I hope it doesn't change to the Carrefour.
I heard this rumor back in the spring. I asked the manager of the Megamart at the center--his reply was that Landmark was trying to force them out of the mall in favor of carrefour, but that they were fighting it out in court. He said they had a 60% chance of winning the case. He also said that they had 3 plots of land they were going to build new megmarts on, in case they lost the lawsuit. One was in Al rayyan, one near Landmark and one near to Decoration RAB. He made it sound like they were going to build all 3. Only time will tell. Megamart is by far my favorite grocery store in Qatar (been here 4 years) It has the most American products, with Q-mart second followed by Family Food Center. You'd have to put a gun to my head to have me go to LuLu's, Dasman Center or Carrefours. I like shopping where the people are civil. Besides there is not much in this country to spend your money on-- I'll gladly pay $9 for a box of Lucky Charms and have my children be happy and feel at home.
NO NO NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got the name wrong I do mean Mega Mart in The Centre.... next to Ramada.
They r prepacked by the same person ........hehehhehehehhe
If you can't change your fate, change your attitude.
oryx i think the store in the mall is called Q-mart. so ur kinda thinkin of a diffrent store.
" Remember Kids Beer is Good For You :P "
mmmmm - i went to MM at the mall. There is a mirror above the fruit and veg and the guy on the counter was brushing his oily hair over the merchandise and extracating unwanted debris from his nostril
I just cant buy fresh produce there any more but do buy pre-packaged items.
FFC on Nasser street aint so bad.
You guys have just changed my mind, I now will do all my shopping at megamart....Carrefour is not as good. hehehe
Well said! Long live MegaMart and thanks to everyone for your posts. JJ
I hate Carrefour, it is nothing like MegaMart. Maybe I have elitist tastes, but I rarely buy anything at carrefour. MegaMart is more expensive, but the quality and variety of the food is much better.
I can't see MegaMart closing just because, Carrefour is opening next door. Most people I know (us Americans) feel the same way. They are tow different stores catering to two different classes of people.
JD Out.
Personally I like the MegaMart at the Center better then the one at Landmark, but I still hope the one at Landmark doesn't closed, as right now when I go for groceries I usually head first to the Carrefour at Villagio, then to the MegaMart at Landmark.
Maybe Landmark could become a bit more of a Specialty store for western and eastern foods (as it's the only place I can find lovely Japanese seaweed snacks.)
"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco
Megamart is not owned by Carrefour. It is owned by the Nasser Bin Khaled Company.(NBKS)They do not own Carrefour. The own Shop-rite and amy other companies.
A teller at MegaMart Landmark told me that it will be closing. She also said that Carrefour owns Megamart and will take over the space.
I'll be sad to see it go. The MM at The Center is okay, but it's small, and doesn't have the selection that the Landmark MM has.
...because they gave me a bunch of boxes last month when I moved my villa -- same compound but better villa.
Even though I live in Garaffa, I always drive to Lulu Hypermarket for the weekly shopping b/c they have best prices, bread, veg/fruit, etc.
Another plus: the cashiers at Lulu Hypermarket are all lovely Filipinas with smiling faces.
I am not an economist. However if the sales figures remain good for Megamart after Carrefore opens then they might remain open. Rumour has it they are moving to a different location on that side of town. But it's a rumour...
I live close to the Dasman Supermarket at Al Gharaffa, but I still prefer shopping at Megamart (Landmark). They've got better selection of bread, cheeses, yoghurts...etc. However, saying that, recently I couldn't find any yoghurt (from UK). Has this something to do with the "foot & mouth disease? or it could be that stock items haven't arrived yet - which sometimes happens with Megamart.
I hope it would not close down :(.
The guy from the flowershop (inside Megamart) told me that they will have to move because of the extention/expansion which includes Carrefour. Now I dont know if this will be the end of Megamart.... There is an other Megamart inside the Centre, behind Ramada. You can go there!
You ghost.Why do u want to open until 3 am ?
"Drink Beer Save Water"
round 11:30m daily night they close. why whats the problem? do you want me to warn them never to close b4 3am?
Just rumours.
for whatever reason, I'm thinking someone told me there was another one behind the Ramada...or am I delusional here.. And I love Megamart..they always have the most interesting things PLUS they have Blue Bell ice cream..
My nickname is Londonalgiers!!! an assumption is still an assumption. I never mentioned Carrefour, I do my shopping in the Souq and a small supermarket in Salwa road...there hehehe
Good one!!!
LOL :)
My Confession Booth is open for Cloak and daggers games.....
I have my reasons unfortunatly i was sworn to secracy as for red pope's comment...are you assuming I'm not a gringo hehehehe?
Each to his own, everyone entitled to their own opinion. I am interested in the eggs though. Jauntie, thanks for planting that song in my mind, I am racking my brains for something equally catchy to drive you mad. What about "right said Fred, we'll have to take the wall down" Bernard Cribbins, think the title is cuppa tea. Close you eyes and sing this to yourself a few times...
I support you 110% on that one Professor.
Must be anti-gringo sentiments...
Hurry up jauntie its too hot.
"Drink Beer Save Water"
I hope it closes soon.... sorry Jasmine but I hate that store as for Marmite you can order via internet for half the price, you can get saudi free range eggs in many places. so there.
babbling brainlessly, wittering on, chewing the cud, talking to the hand, singing:
#I know a song that'll get on yer nerves
get on yer nerves
get on yer nerves
I know a song that'll get on yer nerves .....#
Maybe I'll go and chop up that melon I bought in Mega Mart at Landmark yesterday :P
#I know a song that'll get on yer nerves
get on yer nerves ..... #
You babble all you like, this is my post and I insist on it!
Well Megamart has products Carrefour doesn't and vise versa so I don't think Megamart would go out of business.
... if Carrefour are going to open that HUGE area at Landmark I guess it would pretty much put Megamart out of business there. I think the opening of Carrefour has been put back a bit and it won't open in October, or whenever it was scheduled to do so.
Not sure what the laws are here about monopoly, but Carrefour would monopolise the food stakes at Landmark for sure unless they are just going to be selling electrical, gardening, clothes etc etc and not food!
I'm beginning to babble about something I have no knowledge about, so will stop here :D
Yesterday it was surely open..:) But anyway I hope it's jut a rumour, because that is the best place in Doha, and I would be very sad. But lots of people are going there for shopping, so I don't think they will be closing.
Well I was there this morning and it was open.