Is it fare for retail companies [carefore] to give wrong advertisement
By harishnarayanan •
yesterday carefore distributed booklets, reading which i went to their showroom. they had a very good laptop at 1499 [2.4 ghz, 3gb RAM, 320gb HDD, 14.1" screen]. this are excellent specifications for this price. but when i asked them, i understood this was a printing mistake and no such laptop exist. Is it a gimmick that Carefore plays to bring in the customers.
i was very annoyed as we drove thru the heavy traffic to city center just to know that it was a mistake.
If it happens, I think the Ads License Division of Municipality should have done something about this as random sampling of items being advertised by Carrefour to guard public of this misconceptions and pre-decided 'errors'.
oh well, talking about truth in adverstising (sigh)
Sorry Amoud....
This doesnt happen all over the world.
All over the world, big respectable supermarkets are obliged to sell you the item are its advertised price.
it's not really the customer's problem whether it's typing error or something more evil!!
Only in Qatar they just feed on non-suspecting customers like you.
carrefour usually not careful with their ads. two weeks ago, they advertised Linksys wireless router for QR.199, but when i went to buy it,,, surprise surprise,,, the offer is wrong due to (again) printing error.
there are more examples of these misleading ads, my wife can tell us more of her experiences from wrong images in leaflets to price difference on their price tags.
Another question can also be asked:
is it fair that a big brand sells refurbished electronic products and label them as new ?
Shameful given their global status.
Just a printing mistake, by the time it is corrected the sale week is over so they post it in the store. It is common all over the world.