Indian shopping

By amarnath_nagane •
How may peoples would like to visit to india
and shopping indian product more than doha population 40% What you think about indian peoples (india)
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if some one wants to see my collection of clothes which i sail here she can contact me on my home ph#4693546,in my collection shalwaar qameez,pajama suits,jeans tops(kurti)all are included(heavy&light,casual&formal)so welcome to see for all ladies.
i deals only with the ladies.
I don't know much about indian clothes which are available in india but here lack of quality and i noticed this when i've indian customer for clothes and mention this thing,don't take it wrong side but my mostly indian cutomer said that here in souqs there is no quality but price range is so much high.honestly i don't do my outfitts shopping here bc i've personaly boutique in Pakistan so i better knew about my own stuff which is based on quality not quantity and personaly i feel that if you want quality you must do spent money but when i heared about clothes quality from my cutomer then i reject my idea of shopping here.
I feel that after living here I do not need to travel to India. I have already lived among the natives (although the scenery is rather lacking here comparatively)
We from diffrent commities religous but there are some
signes and body movments which ineff for communicate
Would there were any way or product as substitue for petrol and allied product that could help up to equlisation of Natural resoures by saveing oil for next genration.Please comment