Homesmiths carpet store in City Center?
I'm looking for a nice Persian handmade carpet and have been to a few shops. Tonight I dropped by Homesmiths shop in the City Center. They showed me several silk carpets for WAY cheaper than all other shops.
I'm actually looking for wool or wool/silk but they offered me 100% silk 3m by 2m carpets for ~15,000 QR. All other shops prices for silk carpets start much higher especially for such size - 30,000 and above.
Am I missing something? The knot count seems to be fine, and they claim that the silk is natural and the carpets are from Iran.
It sounds too good to be true (which means it probably is!). What am I missing? Has anyone had experience buying from them?
Thanks for any advice you may have on buying good quality 3x2 carpet!