Health Authorities in Shampoo Alert

Qatar's Health and Environment Authorities have ordered the withdrawal of tow variants of a popular Shampoo Brand from the local market. The order comes after the variants were found containing a high concentration of a harmful substance called 1.4 dioxane, a statement issued by a committee monitoring the shampoos said yesterday. The affected variants of product are "Head and Shoulders" (Shine) Serial No.5011231475854 and "Head and Shoulders" (Lively and Silky) Serial no.5011321360990. The compound 1.4 dioxane was found above 10 part per million (ppm) in the two variants. The compound in excess could cause cancer and other skin diseases.
Source: Gulf Time Dated July 18, 2010.
careful on what you buy
oh, how bad. :(
how about hair implants? :D
Visper, dont laugh on my head...:(
I will CURSE you tat u too get BALD....:)
gloomy...half of my head is affected from the top...:(
Rizks, may i just ask how bad is the baldness already? :)
of course it is...
is tat tonic available here Jalebi ?
it's hair tonic... :P
no afrin..i dont like Wigs.....:(
i want ORIGINAL silky hairs.
rizky feels and stays like a Natural Hair...and more over u needn't spent money in Saloons......
Kaminomoto ? :(
i know Aginomoto.....
Jalebi wats tat ?
Kaminomoto Rizks.. :P
Again and again again and again.. :((
Afrinhoneybee...Gulf gates makes only Wigs not the real hairs....:(
lol worries i wont giv u my head but instead give me ur i really lub silky hairs....:)
yes MJ. thanks. :) plus the "gugo". :p
Rizks...y dont u try Gulf Gate....
could it be aloe vera gloomy?
lol rizks, it's ORGANIC HERB! not organ! don't worry i'll sure bring some for you... but no need to give me your head... :D i am happy with mine having a long and shiny hair. :p
value of hair
gloomy dear, wats tat organ ?
Will it work on my head ? :(
I will be all yours if tat organ works on my head and if i see hairs blooming on my head....:)
Pls let me know were it is or can u get for me ? :)
All shampoos have these chemicals...its just that these have a little bit more....
plushed have lovely hair.... the last time I saw you...dont know if you went bald after that
I am just stating the possibility.. Now, what will you say Rizk?
omg! visper......its too much pls dunt leave rizk.
Visper varae va wat an Explanation
LOL Visper u dont live me....:)
and that's what you like rizks?? :D
If we all leave you, you will be alone.. No one to play with, no one to talk to, no one to have fun to, no one to laugh to.. U will have no one.. And you will be living your life in isolation, you will be like an out cast.. Being alone can cause severe depression, severe depression can lead to suicide, suicide to death.. who will be there in your funeral then? No one? :))
rizks, there's this one organic herb you can use, i just don't know if its locally available. but its very much available in my country. i'll bring some for you. :P
Leave me Alone u burgers....:(
Rizk, ur not alone.. :))
Rizks why dont you go to Gulf Gate man?
Rizks u have a company
I dont bother , I m bald : )
wow thanks for the information it's helpful
Poor Rizks, another bad hair day.. :((
Dont talk about shampoos...:(
I wish i had dense hairs to apply shampoo ? :(
TFS.. :)
Don't say Wlik Sheel here...think of baldness!
whatever shampoo i use, i end up losing hair it makes me cry. water is the problem.. WATER!! :P
sorry for the hi-jack.