Hamster Supllies

Hi,does anyone know where can I find hamster supplies for my Tinybear?I tried to look in most of the petstores in Doha even Vets but couldn't find it,I want an exercise ball for her and Carefresh bedding that I found online but they don't deliver to Doha :(
if there is no pet store here in Doha can anyone recommend website that they do international shipping?
[img_assist|nid=15795|title=Tinybear|desc=my baby teddybear hammy|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=135]
A good hamster is a good hamster in a snakes belly......
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds..
Actually am looking for BALL that u can put ur hammy inside and let her walk/play with, i might also need t buy her a bigger cage supplies..beddings..toys..etc.
My bro finds these type of hamsters to be fed to that snake.. so he actually buys them for like 80 bucks.. so I believe at the pet shop they do have food for them.. n what in particular are u lookin for as food... sori.. but i'm really bad into... animals
where's the animal group?
totally newbi here!
Not even online?
I will re-post this again animal section, I just registered today so I'm not familiar with the forum yet ;P
but thanks again for your quick replies:)
Oh boy! That is a hard one! :( Honestly I haven't seen anything here for hamsters. Maybe Poppy knows????
There is a very good pet store in Bahrain; so if you ever go there I can find it on a map for you. Sorry I can't be of more help. :(
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
u should post a post in the animal group ... i think moonbeam might be able to help you.