Great ideas for Qatar, that will never happen

Having just been away, I am staggered when returning to Qatar about how as consumers we are:
A) Ripped off
B) Become blase about mediocre choices on offer, be it animal, vegetable or mineral
C) Sheer lack of choice on offer
D) Lack of decent affordable nutritious places to eat.
In my fairyland called Utopia, I would like to see the following:
Good supermarkets selling decent (and wide range) of products, from dairy, to meat to non perishables
Nice place to get a lovely salad or jacket potato or sandwich or wraps or home made soup, if this were available, someone could really making a killing.
Nice place to have dinner that does not cost the earth (with the odd glass of the naughty stuff thrown in). I am sick of paying +++Riyals for something that in Europe would be sent back and then expect to pay a fortune for it. OR a fast food joint that is not a heart attack in a mouthful - ie somewhere to get a decent salad or wrap or potato etc (see above) AND is not owned by some chain somewhere thousands of miles away.
Not get ripped off by the service centre where I take my car because it is under warranty and I have to and because it is the only one in town, this is no way to provide a good service, knowing you have no competition.
I can only apologize in advance for my rant. Comments on a postcard...
ps where on earth can I get decent shoes for work!!!
Many things I buy here are twice the price as the UK and for EXACTLY the same product. I can think of at least a dozen off the top of my head
Cos for me,as compared to the stuff back home, Qatar is like a paradise as far as food goes, and very cheap too..honestly! Of course it has its share of dodgy restos and stores, but in general is by far better than where I come from where eating at MacD's and KFC is considered a luxury.
The point is, that as consumers we are spending a lot of money here on inferior products, be it in the stores, in the restaurants- as long as we continue to spend our money in this way, we will always be ripped off. If you make a stand and don't got to these stores/retaurants and supermarkets perhaps 'they' will get the message. Unfortunately I highly doubt it.
This thread is pretty good, minus the “overweight lady” comments.
I’ve heard every single story from everyone in my life time, still nothing constructive is readable or spoken from that particular overweight lady. She still can’t sign worth a dammed. Maybe she needs a cork for her silence, maybe the cork is stuck where the sun won’t shine.
When staffs are paid peanuts you will be served by monkeys.
We mostly go to restaurants in the evening. I dont think any one will answer the phone.
TFS Genesis. That happened to me not too long ago, and my companions insisted that they were violating the law. I didn't believe them, offered to pay it myself. What a stooge I am!To the OP: This is a country with a great deal of disposable income (both that of locals and prosperous expats), but consumers still accept third-world quality and service. I have often pondered why this is. The franchises in Qatar are routinely far worse in terms of selection and service than the same stores elsewhere, so it must be a management issue. They play inappropriate music in stores, ignore customers based on race, make the return or exchange of merchandise a nightmare, seem to have no clue when something will become available, know next to nothing about what they are selling, etc.I left my sports watch at a friend's home in Europe. Because I have a sentimental attachment to it, I did not want to risk posting it; and knew I would be back there in six months. Meanwhile I needed a temporary replacement. I went a store that had the exclusive rights to the the watch a wanted, and I was amazed at how unknowledgeable the sales staff were about the watch range--arguably the best-known of the mid-tier range of luxury watches. There are, of course, some exceptions, and these tend to be the small businesses in which the local owner takes an interest. Unfortunately, most of the Western products I want are tied to franchises here or to stores with exclusive sales rights.
Thanks Genesis lol LP
their hotline :44945500/44945550
You only have to "threaten" them, t-coffee!
What is the telephone number of consumer protection.
Restaurants tip : The business and trade ministry consumers’ protection department last year banned the service charge practice and insisted that hotels had no right to levy additional charges on top of the price mentioned in the menu. (Service charges, often added to the final bill in most restaurants, usually range from five to 20 per cent depending on the standard of the outlet).Double-check your Restaurant bills & make sure you're not being ripped off. Five star hotels still slip the service charge & taxes on their bills. It happen to me recently & after threatening to call consumer protection they edited my bill
this is not europe or america my friend,welcome to doha
As a result I dont think we are in a position to demand, but surely can suggest for the better,
also small land with 1.6 Million population, 70% are outsourced
yet we demand facilitation for a continent, some of us like certain
things other like different things, at the end of the day let’s not forget
troll that got
who is Killer? im confused =(
maybe someone should take the initiative to start food joints like the ones your are proposing, enterprise is difficult to come by
Actually Killer, you will find that Qatar does rather get involved quite frequently in international politics - have not realised?
and I will rant as I want to ... and not you or anybody will stop me....
So get over yourself vermin!!!!
answer me this question - do you want to have to pay more for things than you have to?
Actually, I was very light on my wording.... I am PMSing... believe me when I tell you.... what was first typed and then deleted, wasn't so sedate;-p
Killer, what is your problem, I am trying to understand why we as consumers are being duped day in and day out. Do you want to continue to pay over the odds for things that really are rather mediocre? This is not about nationality, it is about being ripped off as a consumer.
You would be advised to look at the QTel scenario currently going on - this was raised by Qataris also fed up of poor service and over paying.
I think you should grow up and read things properly and not start insulting people just for the sake of it.
and by the way, according to your profile, it is not your country either??!!
why don't you take a bit of your own advice... it isn't your country either... so stick a cork in it!