Gas grill
Im debating on whether or not I should transport a gas grill to Doha from the States. Can they be purchased in Qatar for a similar price? I'm looking for the big,
Char-Broil or Weber 4 burner gas grill. We will have a shipping container so it won't cost me to ship it, but it may be easier to buy there instead of shipping.
Any thoughts?
I recommend bringing your own as well. We purchased one from Lowes for ~US$400 and brought it over unassembled - it was absolutely worth it for us.
Definitely bring it. The ones here are of very poor quality.
Gas grills here run on butane rather than propane--it is possible to convert a propane grill, but dangerous if you do not know what your are doing.
They do sell gas grills here, but the selection is usually about ten to choose from (nothing like a Lowe's) and the quality is generally mid-range. I have a Weber Genesis in storage back home, and I miss it terribly.