The friendly bug...
Yesterday I went to Food World..
Not at all crowded..
Had a peaceful 1 hour..
When I reached the counter the lady wished..The next question was
"Maam, Are you pregnant?" I said "No"..
"OK..You are only fat"
"You have children..?"
"Yes, 2." When I told her their age, she was shocked at the age gaps between the two and relayed her condolences..
Life is better at home...
Best answer for that " Yup, I can afford all the food I want"
Ha Ha..I just wanted to see the reactions from you all in this given situation...She did'nt know a better way to be friendly, may be..Never mind..In a way it is better and different than the sugar dolls without expressions standing in Lulu, Carrefour, etc...
those people have just nothing to say or asked even they know that it might offend you...very impolite manner. :(
I hate it when strangers ask personal Qs... I normally dont give a proper reply..
If I were you.. I would have asked I get any discount if I have children?
it wont happend to me LP, i have 2 eyes + specs.....:)
Wait until it happens to you, Rizks. You won't be laughing anymore.
LMAO Britey !
and she has two kids
and they lived happily ever
fat and fit is also shapes that fit to clothes
Don't these people have any compassion ?
I went shopping at LuLu. I bought a bottle of milk, a loaf of bread, a bottle of juice and some hand cream.
The lady wished - "you are single , aren't you"
I replied "yes - how did you know ? is it because of the items I bought"
She said " NO! Its because you're ugly" :o(
That was RUDE!
a difference between fit and! :)
(or better u say,you are chubby)
how was she? thin or fat? u didnot ask about her kids?
you can both be good friends talking like this.
Rizks , correction Fit for Fat
if you are Fit, then why she said FAT ? :(
u could have given a Tit for Tat answer to her...:)
quote: "OK..You are only fat" ???
Why don't you stay at home then?
No....FIT.. :-)
so basically you are FAT ?