Does someone know the range for acoustic guitar's at baide music store near Alfardan Center ?

By Kadamashish •
Hey ya'll , i heard about baide store and i was wondering if someone knows the price range for acoustic guitars out there.
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your welcome dude
Hey toy soldier couldn't agree more with you ..they have a awesome selection at baide stores ..i picked up a black ibanez semi electric guitar for qr1200 ..well worth it ..saw an ibanez elctric for 800 cheaper than a acoustic but meant for guys whose fingers move like butter on the fret board
thanks for you time man
peace out
acoustic electric guitars
they are very nice
hey toy-soldier you talking about ibanez acoustic or electric guitars man ? coz if it's acoustic there's no way i can pick up an ibanez, that's very expensive for an acoustic but then again it's got the name ain't it
hey smoke i'll check both of 'em out a.s.a.p
in badie it depends on the brand you buy
brands like ibanez are from 1500 to 3000
they have various ones starting from 650 to 1800. better you drive down there and check for yourself. Also Modern Home next to jarir had some good offers, with the case and everything.