Does anyone know any stores here in Doha that sell high quality hair product?

By qatariboy2005 •
I have tried many hair products (oil,shampoo,etc..) for approx 5 years and none of them really worked.When u walk into any shop the convince u that what they have is unique,but after trying it for sometime it is not.I would appreciate anyone's help on this.It would be preferable if any has tried a specific product and it helped.Thank u all and have a great day at work.
there is this store located on salwa road, just before the Midmac roundabout. i am not pretty much sure about the name of this shop.
samething with my hair. i think it is adjusting to the type of shampoo you bought for some time. after it would return tothe same problem. what i usually do is changing my shampoo every 3 months
hair products for your consumption doesnt necessary be expensive and popular. You need to use the type of shampoo that is suitable for your hair. when you pass by at a grocery or supermarket, you may go to the section where they put these items. You may read the labels / description in each bottle. If your hair is oily, then use a shampoo for oily hair. you dont need to use conditioner. For example, Pantene has variety of products for every users need. They have shampoo for oily hair, for curly hair, dull and limp hair and dry hair. If you think that your type of hair is dry, choose shampoo for dry hair and but pantene conditioner. In some of the ladies hair saloon (esp Philippine saloon), they are selling hair serum. This is like an oil to be applied on your hair to become shiny and tangle free.
hope that it helps.