A Decent Haircut

Hey, does anyone know where a guy can get a decent haircut around here? I have shoulder-length hair so would like to get it shortened & styled to not look so scruffy. I've tried a few of the smaller arabic places in the past and generally they seem to struggle with just cutting in a straight line, never mind anything fancy. Anyone got any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
tony and guy in the landmark.theyll cut your hair for 75qr.
Go to Town Centre there's a decent Filipino barber there and they charge 25 Q.R. for a hair cut.
It's great to be loved!
I have my hair trimmed by the hair-stylist in Ramada several times. I would like to keep my hair short (skin-headed) with slight layered-feel. He is able to do that.
I pay QR60 for a haircut there.
i suggest TONY AND GUY at THE MALL!
Bloody Frog. You are jelous of my film star looks.
No scarlett , it's the opposite of : Char's haircut:) I know what I'm talking about :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
hmm decent haircut..is that opposed to an INdecent haircut?? just wondering..
Arabic places ?? are you sure ?
charan ,
hummm well do you regularly get your hair cut there ? if yes, then the result is not that marvellous :D
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
There is a Kerala Barber near Al Rafa poluclinic. absoultely marvelous. QR 10.
There is a Barber in the Ramada, I haven't used it but was going to give it a try next week, I could really do with one.