This could have been avoided

Last year the nursery I work at was ordered to do the following
1. Install all the fire up-to-date equipment.
2. Build/install a fire escape
3. All the classes are to be held on the ground floor of the building.
4. A fully functional water sprinkling system.
5. Practice a fire drill as often as possible
This is a VERY low cost nursery but all this was done ASAP regardless of the cost.
Now how can a nursery as expensive as gympanzies have been running without all that, how and who approved them to operate…
Yes we are looking for someone to blame but the management is almost fully to be blamed “i won’t go on as who wants to be deported to our good forsaken countries for freedom of speech.
Brings me to the other point how is it almost everyone heard and is still hearing updates from international media “I was on my way there when I got a call from my husband that there is a fire at Villagio who heard it on BBC news…
nursery mean a school? The way I look at some of the pictures, it doesn't look like a classroom. But whether it's a school or activity center, the place is really I would say a "fire trap".
ym4, there's no evidence that Gympanzee used bribery or wasta. Their legitimate permits were for an "activity area."
Uh, from what I heard the nursery was not even licensed to be a nursery in the first place, so there's that.
It's sad to see the corruption as explicit as it is now. We all know that it has existed forever, but it's a red line when innocent people lose their lives because of it.
Though I don't think anything would change, this nursery existed in the first place with bribery/'wasta'/etc. So I suppose whoever is responsible will get out of the chaos with no harm done.
Nethers...................I feel you......its just like when they say its God's can a good want 13 INNOCENT kids to die for what purpose...............
To the op--corruption at its worst.
We all need to know the purpose of life before we return to our Lord and are answerable to the one and only God (Allah) for all our deeds on Earth
So did these INNOCENT children know the pupose of life before they left us? Are they now answering to the lord..
Sometimes some of these religious based comments are unbelievable, they were still just babies!
This was certainly an avoidable tragedy. All this fires are happening all around the Industrial area almost every week and its sad to note that the authorities have not learnt any lessons from this tragedies and happenings. The warehouses and accomodations at the industrial area are a ticking nightmare and can lead to worse tragedies then the present one. Hope the authorities wake up now rather then making all this funny noises later
Lesson learned, at least now people will be very watchful every time an alarm goes. i remember one time in city center, the alarm sounded 3 times, but no one even bothered to look behind them, they just went on with what they are doing. ....
My hearfelt condolences to the relatives of the deceased...... lets pray this never happen again.
i come from a culture that believes that nothing is fair about when a child dies before his/her time or before the parent coz that is the nature order of life.
And, corruption, negligence and arrogance has never been a good reason for one to take another's lives...
fro.....i have seen parents send they nannies to find the kids a nursery, all some of the parents do is drive the kids as nanny gets out of the car to drop off and pick up...
To begin with somebody came round monthly to inspect but they improvised another rule "no male allowed in the school unless its a male of a child attending school there"so the inspections went away with that too...
whats happened has happened and theres nothing that can change it.
What we all need to realise is that this life is not fair and cannot be the ultimate reality for our living without a purpose. We all will die one day. Every single one of us,whether rich or poor, whether through fire or water.
We all need to know the purpose of life before we return to our Lord and are answerable to the one and only God (Allah) for all our deeds on Earth.
We tend to forget death even when daily around 200,000 ppl around the world pass away. We need to know what happens after death,
Therefore i invite all of you to read the Quran and understadn the truth and repent before we are caught for our bad deeds on earth
and my sincere condolences to all the victims of the sad events all around the globe
The fire escapes, fire alarms and sprinklers were some of the first things they showed us at my son's nursery. And the baby and toddler rooms are on the ground floor next to the front exit. The Ministry wouldn't let them opened until a proper check was done.
I don't think so, flor. Too many parents 'drop-off' their children in a nursery so they can go shopping!
incident yesterday will open all parents and the whole community to more vigilant regarding places or structures where their children go and even the house we live. Awareness is the key word, not fear.
that it's better for the children of the school where she work as a nurse to be under the sun during fire drill (because NIS is doing it almost monthly) rather than they don't know what to do in case there is a real fire.
Makes me sick.
The proper translation is 'corruption'!
Baksheesh. Wasta.