Chain cafes in Souq Waqif - good or bad?

The other day I went to Souq Waqif for the first time in a while and was surprised to see a Hagen Dazs, a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and at least one other chain cafe. They were all busy so I guess that's what people want, but it seemed a little odd to me. Anyone else have any thoughts?
Perhaps it wont be long til we see a Home Center, a Zara and a Carrefour nestled amongst the more traditional shops!
Realy didn't understand anything
I also don't like calling people "stupid"
I just wanted to menton that this word is stupid as is its frequent Users - Americans and bollywood morons. Zippydoo! Yippee, Yippeee, its GORDONS gin for me!
WINNER Gordons Gin Personal Consumption Award 2008 Hic!
Yesterday, I paid a visit with my son to Souq Waqif after long time of being there. I really surprised of these cafes and Ice Cream shops (especially the Hagen Dazz and its kind). I totally disagree with having these ugly cafes there. It's a traditional and old spirit Souq and there is no place for these modern images there.
On the other hand, I visited the arts corner there, it is awesome and full of beautiful pieces of rugs and paintings.
Wonderful place to be there, especially it brings me the memories of old Cairo Souqas and Mosques.
Since moving here a few months back, i have loved the traditional look of the souk... these chains will almost definitely ruin it.. the charm of Doha was that keeps its culture rather than turning into a mini Dubai!
The chain cafes of Souq Waqif are crowded as almost all of their customers there are locals who does not care the price for a cup of coffee or capuccino. The rich Qataris are considering to spend that amount on a tea or coffee as a dignity and prestige and the guys who are running those chain cafes like Dagen Das, Starbucks and Tea Leaf are aware of it and they want to encash the attitude of the locals. Dont get surprized if you see a Montblanc, Zara or even a Chanel Boutique there.
B-I-N-G-O Rami-leb: Mo' Money! Mo' Money! Mo'Money!
Can't get enough of that funky stuff! Money talks and everything else walks....Keeping things "culturally pure"...just doesn't pack a punch like the mighty riyal.
Just keeping things "riyal" in the Souk Waquif isn't in the master plan or is it? Hmmm.
its a good concept....its mixing of the present wit the past...
something different....
please appreciate...atleast one good place in Qatar to be i think....
or else i m gonna crash into one of your houses...
he he
I totally disagree with these modern cafe', shops in a very traditional area. Souq Waqif born to be a traditional/historical area and this places must be 100% pure.
Someone said business is business, ..... but in Qatar? come on! there a lot of other opportunities to have business!
Again, another chance lost....from the Qatari management
@Oryx, they're not giving anyone Sheesha licenses at the moment :( Otherwise I have this idea for a fantastic one
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
If the stores like Coffee bean etc.. would dress there staff in local outfits or decorate the place with a local touch it would actually make it better ... The whole charm is lost when u see places that you pass by everyday in all parts of town.. Which is not really the whole point of Souq Waqif
Rumor has it that the gun shop that never opened in Villagio is due to open in Souq Waqif.
So the tourists who visit the old souq will get the impression that this is a traditional country that enjoys the occassional chai latte and double fudge sundae, before going shopping for concealed weapons.
Very traditional.
I don't mind newer stores but agree that they should have a facade that matches the "feel" of souq waqif.
choice is never a bad thing!
This bad - totally bad.
I can't understand why anyone would want to go the 'old' Souq and then have a frapacino and a Haagendasz sundae. Why go to an old souq if really what you want are modern, bog-standard products? Just go to any other mall in any other country.
It's unlikely that the franchise shops will keep their branding to a minimum, since most franchise agreements require that certain amounts of signage and branding be visible in prominent locations.
For me, the whole idea stinks. But then so does the Malaysian restaurant, and the initial ice cream shop, and all the other non-Arabic outlets that were already there.
Was it too much to ask that Souq Waqif restricted itself to hosting local, or at least Middle Eastern shops and eateries? Or did a wealthy Sheikh decide that he wanted to make some money, so his financial desires took precedence over the cultural value of such a project?
if its any consolation the restaurants were rammed to the gills... with sheesh shah smokers etc and the coffee shop was like the Marie Celeste....
people want the ambience
the best restaurant is the Iraqi one but they dont have a shesh shah licence.
Open a shesh shah place amnesia !
anyway the manager sounds like a big turnip.
the point is, I saw the master plan.
It was always supposed to have a Traditional Area, then a modern area with international brands, then an office area. (After expansions).
Now they're just mixing it all up! It's wrong.
The rich just get richer.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
I don't like that idea, but I guess business is business :(
Traditional and independent should be the only theme allowed. But alas. . . TID - This is Doha
I dont mind the coffee shop, most restaurants there make horribe cappacinos, instant water with milk...At least you can get a decent coffee...
I do agree with Haagendaz, theres already a nice ice cream shop near the end of the souq...
Yeah, I hope it doesn't run the other ice cream shop out of business, which I personally think is better than Haagen Dazs.
The non-franchise coffee shops should be ok cos they all offer shisha as well.
I hate the new stores, and will not patronise when at waqif or elswhere. But, they are trying to make it tourist friendly, so show them brands they are comfortable with and won't be too confronted by.
Imagine someone here for 48 hours, no Arabic, too frightened to sit down and watch the world go by? Show them a chain - they're happy, they stay, they spend. A sad reality of global tourism and the price locals pay to attract visitors...
Got to agree with you wholeheartedly..
Let's try and retain some semblence of culture and history..
Yes amnesia, the dedicated area for the chains should be City Centre!
I mean, Haagendazs? Come on. I can see how they could maybe make the Coffee Bean fit in, but Haagendazs? What's next, McDonalds?
It'll just become yet another place for me to avoid.
to amnesia: A management team is put together, they make new decisions and plans based on misguided information to show their superiors they r doin somethin, nothing works out, total mess up, management dissolved, new management team put together, they make new decisions and plans... Welcome to Doha.
I'm with baldrick on his idea. Ban mall brands! Promote cottage industries and local concepts.
Whos listening?
it's odd.
it pissed me off because when I wanted to open a couple of shops they said
"It has to be traditional"
Then when they opened Haagendazs and the gang, I called up and they said "New management decision".
Wtf? They should kepp one area traditional and have a dedicated area for the chains.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
... let's have a decent Arabic coffee shop, sitting on Majlis cushions with tiny cups of chai and qawa (sp?)
Did you Google it first?
Its franchises or chain outlets v r talkin bout here. These concepts have their own feel and look associated to their brand image; which cannot b altered or deviated from. They carry this image where ever they go, b it in the Louvre or the great Australian Outback. Its called brand recognition & recall.
Franchises should b forbidden frm such a nice concept. As many of u have said, its a place meant to highlight and promote local culture and history. The whole place was torn down and rebuilt for this very purpose. Defeats the purpose doesn't it? Its like selling an armoured car to a gangster! U throw out existing businsses in the location sayin u wanna change the concept, mood and feel to the place and then u end up commercialising it even more!
If u ask me, i think wat they need to do is promote new and local ideas and concepts. Franchises r the easy way out; familiar renowned cool brands u like to b associated to! Souq Waqif isn't supposed to b a cool place, its supposed to b an experience.
They seem to b losing their direction and focus on the whole concept of Souq Waqif.
Not bad ...if they can give the Coffee shops the same ...ambiance.....not everything has to be cement & glass!
....the onus is on the designer of the Coffee shops how to set the ambiance....
hope they preserve the ambiance. we all need different surroundings.
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
... outside the beanery a few weeks back. Very relaxing as it was just after iftar. However, if they insist on putting these places there, they should at least decorate them in a style befitting the surroundings.
Did you Google it first?
i agree with you Lovinni, if i want to go to coffee bean i will go to the city centre :-)
it can be economically beneficial but im sure its earning well with the traditional shops alone. hope they can still preserve what the souq is. these cafe joints are always in the malls or some points in Doha. so there's no need to put up there.
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
tallg, not sure if you been to singapore. But i wont be surprise years to come they will make the whole souq fully indoor. The one in Singapore they have an area call Bugis Junction. Supposed to be 'traditional' one, but now fully covered with glass dome thingy thing with aircon.
I'd be surprised if it was just about the rent Novi. They've spent a lot of time and effort trying to bring the souq back to it's traditional glory so I'd have thought they'd have taken a stricter approach to who was allowed to open shops there.
the local ambiance is invaded by commercialized shops, but it's an effective fusion.
I guess as far as they pay the rent is all that matter for the management ?
Odd, definitely. So much for a "traditional" atmosphere!
They should change the name 'Souq Waqif Mall' :D
It will change the ambience of the place.