Call for special days for men at public place

By baldrick2dogs •
Today I felt compelled to write a letter to the press with regard to the above story, highlighting the racism issue we've all discussed here over the past few days/weeks/years. May I ask that you all do the same and let's see if we can make a (small) difference.
it seems that the authorities do not listen
...and the other bachelors seems too stubborn to not do with their indecent behavior...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I guess the real solution to the problem would be to address the ratio of males to females in the country.
As a british ex-pat, I know that the main thing preventing me looking at calling Qatar my home in the long term is the lack of hope when it comes to finidng a soulmate.
P.S. I've been stared at a few times myself, by other blokes...I can't figure out if it's just culture, or being eyed up...I really hope it's the former.
I really don't care about the staring - I get stared at and I'm a bloke!
My point was the inequality with which certain bachelors can get in whilst others can't. (note: A group of my Filipino and Indian staff snuck into Villagio on Friday through a fire escape opened for them by a Fillipina shop assistant!)
It's been pointed out on numerous occasions that Friday is their sole day off and as it's Qatar, there's f*** all else for these guys to do.
Did you Google it first?
at women. Always have always will. It doesn't matter if she is a supermodel or a chubby short one-eyed grandma. They will still stare. I am always appropriately dressed. I have never worn a tank top in my life and seldom even wear short sleeves. Still I am stared at. So what? Do I let it bother me? No, I simply go about my business. I doubt that the authorities or the malls having taken this step due to a few western women's complaints, but I may be wrong. If they have, they obviously need to rethink the policy. I hope there continues to be an outcry against this blatantly discriminatory practice.
You have a good point but men don't have any right to stare at women what so ever!! I agree that women should dress appropriately, especially considering the modest nature of our hosts............but trying to justify men staring at women will never work.
Furthermore, I am gawked at by the men in this country every where I go and I do not dress inappropriately........I am just attractive!!
Also, I agree that the "Family Days" are very biased and wonder what the criteria is for the guards at the City Center and the Villagio. But on the same note it is mostly the women who do shopping for families and there would be absolute outrage from all women if we were not allowed to shop on certain days. Another thing to keep in mind is that women account for most of the money that is being spent in the shopping centers and most of the vendors will not agree to keep women out one day a week.
A more appropriate idea would be to either banish "family day," or allow certain times during these so called "family days" when men are allowed unrestricted access to the shopping centers.
But, please, please do not try to justify a man's shortcomings by saying that he is away from his family or the women dress inappropriately. Each man is given a brain as well as a sexual organ.......and they must learn to rely more heavily on their brains!!
don't think it'll make a blind bit of difference! How about approaching the leader of the country?
treatment handed out to the bachelors that build the country. This has been discussed many times before, however, it seems that the authorities do not listen. They are more concerned with creating a glitzy/glamorous but false image of Doha. If the report in the GT was correct, a couple of selfish western expat women created this by complaining of being stared at! These guys are away from family, wives and girlfriends sometimes for years at a time, so it is not suprising if they stare at women particualrly if inappropriately dressed.
Bachelor only day- the main problem with this idea is that it would need to be Friday as they will be working the other 6 days...............
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal" Aristotle