Buying camping equipment

By Serendipity •
I've read a few threads about people going camping at the weekends, which sounds like fun, and I'm already looking forward to next year's Dunestock.
I've also read threads saying that the shopping malls have lots of UK high street stores.
But what about camping gear? What stores are there selling camping gear? What would I need to bring with me? And what can I buy over there? Is there some stuff that's available over there but you'd still advise me to bring it from the UK because it's too expensive to buy out there?
as charmed said ... you can get it in shopping mall like Lulu / Carrefour. But to be honest dont think they sell it around this time of the month because of hot weather not many ppl want to go camping. Around this month hypermarket will full with aircon or inflatable swimming pool :-)
I guess you still can find stuffs like portable BBQ and the accessories.
I have seen tents out here is places such a lulu and other small bits which you would need! i mean all you should really need is a babreque which is portable which you can get, a eskey and sleeping bags which they all sell in Lulu! But then im no camping expert!!! Hope this helps a bit!
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