Bikini in Qatar

Hi there,
Does anyone know the Brazilian lady who sells Brazilian bikinis in Doha? If so, are her bikinis really all the rage?
The other day I was at Sephora at Villagio complaining to a friend that I could't find bikinis I liked in Doha when this woman approached me and apologized in advance for overhearing my conversation. Then she gave me this Brazilian woman's card, and said that she sells beautiful bikinis from Brazil that are of great quality and very stylish, at great prices. She said she too could never find bikinis in Doha until she was introduced to this woman. The woman apparently takes appointments and goes to people's houses with a suitcase full of bikinis.
Let me know if you've bought bikinis from her. I don't want to call her or e-mail her without knowing someone else who's bought her bikinis and is happy.
I am selling bikinis from Colombia really beautiful, If you would like to see them conatct me at [email protected] . I have thongs.
I called the woman and she doesn't have thongs!!!!! Her bikinis are quite nice, indeed. Thanks for the posts!
I think everybody wears bikinis under black gown over here..that is why they sell them in Villagio and other the way where do they wear bikinis....Heeee Heeee in the tents while doing cabarets.....??????????
Hi Vera !!!
I see a business opportunity there ! Im arriving from Br next sunday , if I bring 30 pieces, would you sell them on the 50/50 % basis? If it goes well ... we can think bit bigger...
Let me know , Im leaving tomorrow night !
A suitcase full of bikini!!LOL! Why can't she use a trunk. It will fit a lot more!
i think brazil is also famous for what they call "thong"... hehehe