Being a single guy in Qatar

By mixedshisha •
I feel a little foolish asking this.
I'm moving to Qatar in a month for a new job. I've never been to Qatar before. Recently a colleague who's worked in Qatar told me that single guys aren't allowed in to malls & other places on weekends.(unless they're accompanied by women or a family)
Is this true? If true, do these restrictions extend to coffee shops, supermarkets, movies & other places. Also if true, why on earth is there such a rule?
soon doha city area will be no entry zone for single workers as there is a discussion on congested roads on fridays suggestion is to divert all these workers to Barwa Village in Wakra and declare doha city as no entry for workers and thir vehicles on fridays.Source today's Gulf Times.
I think only friday at city centre is a family day. in other day and other place are welcome even single or married guys :-)
and belive me Single man here is fine not that bad..think positive
Yes Correct, You can't enter in city center duing friday evening if you are Asian or black skin (no one check you are engineer or laborer, only these security persions will check you are Arabic or white skin person?). If you are a white skin person, no one object you.
Dont worry. You will have fun. Being single in Doha aint that bad after all. Lotsa places you can go being single. No one is gonna stop you. So cheer up and go enjoy the beautiful Doha. But it sure gets betta when you have someone worth travelling around with you.Cheerios.
yap only at city center coz its family day
double post ?
Yes, most of the rumors you heard is true. Especially about the one with the "skin color " discrimination. I had one guard tell me that I would not be allowed but showed me another person with a lighter skin and said that he will be allowed in.
If you are still confused, why dont u ask the people who said " there is no such thing " if there are huge sign boards outside some of the big malls here saying Friday is family day or not. I beleive it is till 10pm on a friday.
Its also true that after sometime you get used to it all and just go somewhere else to blow of some steam or lay on the grass in corniche and stare at the stars and go home.
Other than that, qatar is an amazing place.
If you are a so called Lady or Woman then you are welcome to the mall even you are single... Anyway just kick the ass of guard they are just nothing and they can't stop you!
If you are a brown skin, you will have problems. Over here, not just the locals, but even other expats (who develop a huge sense of entitlement and superiority complex the moment they step off the plane) categorise south asian brown skinned people as low paid labour, regardless of their actual skills, job and education.Just yesterday I saw one brown skinned security guard stopping another brown skinned (well dressed, and educated man) from entering. No such restrictions where placed on other single men who walked right in.This is the sad truth.The most amusing form of discrimination I see everyday is the dual standards some of the filipino staff use on western expats vs south asian expats. I have a colleague who when at the coffee shop downstairs in my office building gets ignored by the staff and all the "sir, good morniiiiiiing" and "how are youuuuuu"'s disappear. We discuss this often and find it very amusing. This guy earns 12 - 14 times more than the coffee shop workers, is highly educated, well dressed and extremely polite, yet they feel they need to look down on him.Only in Qatar!
ya u r frnd is correct. single man are considered as animals in Qatar no respect if u r engineer they treat u as labor .They are not allowed to malls , shopping areas, zoo, other areas unlike in Dubai they welcome everyone in open arms. Qatar is not good place for single person no entrainment nothing govt not understand there problems.
my husband told me he cannot get into some places alone, and he is not a labourer. he also often uses the term 'Bachelor' to describe himself since he is waiting for me to arrive. but otherwise I think he is quite happy in Qatar.
I have raised this issue earlier too. You may check below link based on the subject earlier It is quite embarrassing that single man is not allowed to enter mall and a single man called 'Bachelor' in Qatar. Irrespective of correctness, people has commented their views with the educational and regional level. I also heard that recently a Mall has opened in Qatar called 'Masskar Hypermarket' which is only for Family 7 days a week.
it is what you called "family day". it is not bad as what you think it is, Qatar has a lot more to offer for single guys like you :)
phew...thanks for the replies guys.. the sinking "what have i walked into" feeling is almost gone..
Its not like that my friend. Dress up nicely and dont do anything suspicious and u will be fine.
family day starts during opening in the morning until 3pm only... 3pm and beyond, its okay to get inside the mall espicifically the city center..
Nothing like that. If you are a decent person, can go everywhere but there are only restrictions in two malls on Friday for the labourers to give more opportunities to the families. As they declare it as family day. But not everywhere in Qatar.
dudee.e...if u getting mixed sheesha along with u i am here :)
There are other 'other places' where one can go on weekends instead of 'malls and other places" and that includes home sweet home ..:)
If u r bringing mixed shisha with ur self... Thy gonna allow u evry whr...
Just dont visit city centre on.weekend.. Else ok... Every whr u can go at any day ..
no its not like this who told you is a ............... in qatar first you will have fun but after some you be bored in qatar beiNg huMan
...and you may be in for a surprise! Those negative informants may have their own reason but the advantages in living and working in Qatar outweigh the disappointments. You can't get it all. People have to grow up. By the way, most often than not, stories are exaggerated. You have to get the experience yourself.
I think by single guys they mean labourers and not literally all single men lol :)
it's not bad as what you think?