Apple Iphone

By ahmedzaki99 •
I wish to bring one Apple 3G Iphone from USA and use it here in qatar, but i heard that in US they use a different frequency thats why phones of US cannot be used outside, is it true and wats the solution if i bring one here and how to unlock it here.Genuine replies please.
yeah try souq najada
try in souq najada
Hey buddy, Thru QL we can provide you some professional guys contact No. They can help you in jail breaking and unlocking
and It won't cost you more than
QR.50 only , so don't worry, it works.
Here in Qatar nothing doesn't work.
Just send a nudge once you get it.
The iPhone purchased in the US will work here. As far as unlocking is concerned, Yes it is possible to unlock the phone here. You could do it yourself or get somebody do it for you.