Pakistan Embassy Doha

By Addie Boeing •
I visited our respected Embassy Doha several times , everything found messy. I request all of your to show your concern to respectable Ambassador for some positive changes and facilites. Jointly we can work to provide ease and assitances to everyone / expats. regards
I visited the embassy in Ramadan. .I noticed people use to come to collect their passports..but they could not get even a chance to submit their delivery token number in the counter since its fully packed with people always ( the space is very small and unfortunately the people also submit the token at the counter and stay close to the counter until they receive their passport which does not allow the new ppl entering the embassy to deposit their token)..I was watching all this scenario and noticed that the port cabin was half empty with seats available and air con running but ppl were standing outside and trying to get to the passport delivery counter which was full...
My suggestion would be that authorities shall collect the token from every single person coming to embassy and ask them to wait in port a cabin and not stand with the counter and blocking it totally for the people who wants to collect deposit tokens...And there should be a microphone installed in port a cabin and name shall be announced of the person when his passport is ready..he shall only go and collect it from the counter....
1)This way ppl will atleast wait in an area which has seats or at least has air cons rather than standing outside in heat despite of space in port a cibins
2) the counter shall never be blocked and ppl can easily collect their passports and deposit their token slips ..blocking the counter like bees is so uncivilised way
3) Authorities shall increase at least one or two staff for passport/documents/I'd card related work..
And last but not the least ppl should also make sure not to cross lines abide by the rules...
Dear britexpat,
Customer use to bargain on our Qr. 100 fees, in this scenario, we are not even in position to cross her palms with copper.
Sheen Services WLL
Perhaps she wanted you to cross her palms with silver
Dear Friends,
As the Embassy is not in the main city and there are very long queue for submission & odd timing for collection of documents, good number of Pakistanis use to take our company service for the same.
When the official came to know about our service, they withheld documents and made our staff to wait for hours then through our staff summoned our manger.
When our manger visited the embassy, after a long wait he had audience with the lady-in-charge and was given stern instruction not to provide our service.
Sheen Services WLL
Alot of friends visited in ramdan , the situation is worst. No facility , no proper system. I dont know what is the problem?
bhai nowadays our embassy services are much better then before yes staff needs to be trained how to welcome people specially most of people are uneducated and i think embassy need a help desk so that visitors wont there time for coming again and again and also need electronic number systems so one could know his turn
It is not the issue of embassy itself but all the staff that is appointed for political favor.
I was very critical of this embassy until I visited French, Hungarian, Indian and Nepali Embassy..
acchabaccha...agreed, this is typical of South Asian countries.
It is not a matter of cleaning up the mess. The entire place is not organized well, and reflects a true government-run organization back home. For one thing, the space available to the embassy has been under-utilized. There is much room for improvement within its current premises leading to better service to its nationals. That will surely entail costs, and possibly it may take years to get the costs approved through the bureaucratic system in the government.
How about getting everyone together and spending a weekend cleaning up and painting the place