Will I get exit permit if I take a car loan
I want to buy a car with bank loan .But I need some clarification .
I know that in Qatar we need exit permit for exit .
So ,If I take a loan from bank will there be any issue to get the exit permit .
Or does the bank need any guarantee for it ?
Or what is the procedure being followed in Qatar .
Thank you ,I believe I got my answer.
Every thing depends on your sponsor. If you want to leave qatar then exit permit require sponsors signature so dose loan documents require sponsors signature. So the loan is sponsors responsibility if you dont payback. So it all depends if your sponsor let you go or not while you loan is still going on.
Immigration Dept. has nothing to do with your loans/car loan,
so the only subject is whither your sponsor allow you to have your exit permit during your leavs or no,
even on borders/airport they will no stop you because of your loan.
Ur bank loan and exit permit do not have any connection. Don't worry ur exit permit will be as usual.