Trafic Penalty
I was on vacation during oct-9 to Nov- 10/2009. When I went i have parked my can in my legal parking and disconnected battery and no one used during those days. When I came back early morning in airport I got a message that I have a trafic violation on 05/11/09 and penalty qrs. 300 and 3 points. I lodged a coplaint with the trafic chief, but no used. I took my passport with me to convince them. This was a mistake did by a police man, but how can I clear this? Pls. suggest any QL members.
just confirm once again if the parking was legal where u car was parked.
or else,, visit yourself personally to the traffic police chief with your travel proof...& ask them, to prove where was ur car fined.
1st, are you sure no one had access to your car?
2nd, make sure that the officer fully understood your case, as most mishaps are caused by miss communication
if everything turns grey, just pay it up and consider it a contribution to the traffic police
300 QR minus 3 points is what the Traffic Dept. impose on ILLEGAL PARKING. You must have parked your car in a tiled pavement.
Check your car numberplate on to see what type of violation it is, because if it was speeding or red light (unlikely for 300qr) they take a picture of the car and you can ask for the picture as proof of the violation, and this will prove whether it was your car or not.
It's not really enough proof to show them your passport because they don't know if somebody else was driving the car or not.