How much % insurance will pay on accident

Please help me by giving some advice friends!! I have an accident 2 days before with my 2005 model vehicle which has a full insurance and police declared that it was not my mistake. Later I got police paper and asked to go to the insurance office of the second party who was guilty with a quotation which shows the cost of vehicle repair and pictures of the damage parts. When I reached insurance office, they told me that I will get only 50%money for repair since I want to repair with all genuine parts. If I want to repair with duplicate parts then the full cost can be given by the insurance. They told this is because the vehicle is 2005 model and the insurance will only give full money for repair till the vehicle is 1 year old. Is this correct?? Can anyone advise me please...
Jobby - firstly you should think about that name that you are using - it has a very bad meaning in English.
On the question of insurance payout - yes this seems to be standard practice in the insurance industry of Qatar. Perhaps that is the reason why so many people opt for third party cover only and there are so many junk cars on the road. Why insure comprehensive if the insurance is going to turn your car into pirate-parts junk after an accident.
Save money - buy third party insurance after a few years.
thats correct, I was disapointed also, some one hit my car and other insurance only paid for the body only. I tought I paid full coverage my insurance will coordinate with other company.With the same year of the car you can go to the same brand of your car, after that go to other company. all spare part every year depreciate 10 pct.if the car made 2005 about 40-50 pct
correct me if am wrong but it was happen on 2nd year of my car.
it sounds tosh to me.
How can they ask you to repair with duplicate parts?
i dont think they can say that