Can anybody recommend a used car dealer?

By Strippling01 •
I would like a recommended used car dealer - please try and give a name and address and not just list those on Salwa Road.
I have already had a bad experience with Arab Gulf - DON'T BOTHER WITH THAT COMPANY. If it wasn't for a very helpful Egyptian dialect speaking colleague I would have been 1000 Riyals down (more if I had left the deposit they wanted)!, many of my friend got the car through it. Good luck
oasis cars showroom .... Mr. Mamoon 5506084
and you can visit their website which is always updated
you may visit Nissan and toyota tradein office, both of them are good cars But I recommend to go for a brand new on instalment in all cases for various reasons of present living circumstances of Qatar if the budget support to go for.
you can go to al bishri used cars show room
contact mr : barakat 4684754 or 5896132 the best show room you can trust and if you face any problem just call me i know him more than 17 years