Advice Required for the Bank Loan.
By Yasir Ilyas •
I want to take a Car Loan for Nissan Tida from Bank (Doha bank).Every Bank is asking for a Particular Letter format from our company, which includes the clause that if we resigned or terminated from our services the company will transfer our gratuity or dues to bank for settlement of Loan.
My company is not providing me this format of letter, they only provide a simple salary certificate which indicates the salary, designation and date of joining. Banks are not excepting this letter.
I need your advice or help in above matter. If any one working in bank and help me to solve me the above problem I will appreciate. Plz private message me for this solution.
Al Jazeera is also asking for same requirment.
Can you give me any link/contact for first finance.
try first finance or al jazeera finance
This letter is a QCB mandate, so no banks would help you lend a loan without you fulfilling this requirment, try first finance they might provide you with a loan without this letter.