Resettlement Solution
Resettlement solution will help you re locate to Australia from anywhere on the globe.
Their services begin with getting your skills and education assessed by Australian Authorities and go to the extent of arranging your accommodation, car hire and admission for the kids in the nearest School.
At Resettlement solutions they believe that education and experience are the backbone of successful life.
This is the reason they will start your resettlement process by getting your education and skills assessed by Australian bodies and then their consultants based in Sydney will take care of the formal documentation.
Phone: 97477959144 / 97470770625 / 44101880
Email: [email protected]
Address: Office 949
Al Fardan Towers. West Bay Doha
By Shoaib Ur Rahman • 9 years 4 months ago.
It is just waste of your time. If you have lot of money try it.