Shame on You Mr Paul

Mr Paul posted this:!
To the hippo
American spelling more sensible than English............CRAP!!
Mr Paul Shame on You
shame on you Mr paul as manager of the Brit Club. you speak a variety of English rich in dialect and regional identity which I hope we will never lose with the globalisation of American English
the americans dumb down the grammar and spelling and use of adjectives to just three: cool awesome and cute
and they change nouns into verbs and end up talking pyscho babble
it is such a shame because English has always absorbed new words so easily and it is such a rich dexterous language
the worst accent in the UK is in the midlands
i have a friend who speaks english with an Oklahoma accent and I think it is lovely... but some americans have a shrill whine and it is just piercing on the ear drums.
What do you think?