Emergency 999
Worldwide Emergency Number 112
Kahramaa - Electricity and Water 991
Ooredoo Telephone Assistance 111
Local Directory 180
International Calls Enquires 150
Time 140,141
Doha International Airport 44656666
Labor Department 44508111, 44406537
Medical Commission 44679111
Mowasalat Taxi 44588888
Qatar Airways 44496000
Weather Forecast 44656590
Hamad Medical Corporation 44392222 44393333
Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation 44845555 44845464
Primary Health Care Corporation 44593333 44593363
Qatar Assistive Technology Centre 44594050
Qatar News Agency 44450205 44450333
Q- Post - General Postal Corporation 44464444
Qatar University 44033333
My name is Ayesha Syed Rafiuddin. I urgently need a divorce from my husband. I am living in constant fear for my life. He has been threatening to kill me, and I believe he is capable of following through with these threats. My mental and emotional health have deteriorated due to his abusive behaviour. I am terrified for my safety and can no longer live under these circumstances. Please help me by processing my divorce as soon as possible. I need immediate legal protection to ensure my survival and well-being. This is an emergency, and I seek your prompt assistance. (my contact no. in Qatar: +97455781995)