Please help : how to know that the Residence visa is cancelled after resigning from the company
By sameer_shaikh •
I want to know that after resigning from the job how to make sure that the RP is cancelled.Will my employers paste a cancel sticker on my RP as they do in UAE and this will be stamped in the airport upon exit from Qatar.
One of my friend who resigned was tricked by our company who said that they have issued a special exit permit which upon showing at the airport immigration they(immigration authorities) will put the cancellation stamp on the RP.But they did nothing and now he cant work in GCC?he was cheated by my employers?
how to make sure that this dosent happens to others?please tell the correct procedure
Select Official Document from the moi website and enter your Id number. it will give you information regarding the same
Dear Sameer,
As i know, if you spend more than 6 months outside Qatar, then your RP will be automatically considered CANCElled. But, in case it doesnot happen, then the IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT in Qatar will put a STAMP of CANCELLATION on your RP . But the sponsor must be willig to cancel the RP of the employee
Dear Sameer,
As i know, if you spend more than 6 months outside Qatar, then your RP will be automatically considered CANCElled. But, in case it doesnot happen, then the IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT in Qatar will put a STAMP of CANCELLATION on your RP . But the sponsor must be willig to cancel the RP of the employee