Bank transfer for Family Visa
By abhilash_srp •
Please any one suggest whether the 6 months bank statement for Family visa application can be from two different banks?Is this acceptable by the immigration?Currently I have 4months bank statement from Mashreq and 2months from Doha bank since I transferred by bank account from Mashreq to Doha bank?Is this acceptable for immigration or do they need 6 months bank statement from a single bank.
It is ok..acceptable...dont worry
Thanks Ahmed for the comment.Do you know the phone no for the immigration inorder for me to check this wether its allowed or not.
I think it shud be ok, but there isnt a definite answer for this one. You will have to try it, most likely it shud be fine. When you're applying, let the lady at the counter know the fact, so she can make a note on the application for the approving officer.