bank statement
Hi Friends,
To get my wife residence visa i need six months bank statement, so i went to cbq bank to get the statement. When i asked for the statement, the customer care representative told me that they will charge 150 QR.,since i had no option i agreed , then he told me that i will get the statement on plain paper and they will put stamp on it. I was not very convinced with that and i requested to give the the statement on the bank letter head, same like how we get our yearly statement, but he said he cant, atlast i decided not to take it and i came back.
My question is will the Qatar embassy accept the bank statement on plain paper? I want to make sure before i submit the documents for visa , as we all know how difficult it is to get the visa if it is rejected for any reason.
Please advice.
Ask your bank for an account statement that is printed on Security Paper, or at least on their official stationery. That should be the proper material to use for this kind of official document, not a plain paper.
believe it or not, it's the stamp that would make the printed statements official bank documents, regardless of the paper they use.
you may be able to view your transactions/statements online if you try internet banking but i'm not sure if printouts of your account's transactions will be considered valid by the embassy. better check with them first so you can know their definition of acceptable bank statements.
You need stamped bank statement and it's not for free, no need for letter head as long as it's stamped.
Other banks charge 50QR for every month.
Yeah right, just ask them how to have ONLINE BANKING. Try to register online at their site.
I have just seen their demo version and it will explain you how to register in ONLINE BANKING
There will be logo BANK DIRECT on the middle right of the webpage.
You shouldn't have to pay a single penny for your statements. As said earlier, try getting them online or call up your bank and ask them to send a copy to your email address.
cant you get the statement online?