Crystal have documents of 9 people.. they know everyone's ids and there issue.. anymore new ids with fake name will go to mahasivaraja.. he has to forget his money.. crystal accepting alll chage backs.. but they are firm will not accept his chargeback.. and made all documents handy.. he thought he is very smart.. but world is updating every day.. Mahasivarajan be ready for worse what you expect.. leave gulf asap.. once you go behind bar.. no one will save you..

Just for ur inf
This all ids are yours.. with same ips.. i can find this.. means cyber will definitely.. you know what mail you sent them.. this is with maximum members of last 6 month.. crytstal is ready to accept chargeback on tne confirmation of complaints raise against mahasivaraja.. tomorrow i will share his qid his passport number.. his families details.. and anything you guys require.. last 6 months customers your chargeback will be accepted by crystal if you make complaints about mahasivaraja..