Not a bad start.Again it depend on your lifestyle. If you are single, than you can live comfortably with a bit of saving. But if you have dependents, it will be a bit tight.

The two most expensive items here, in my, opinion are accommodation and schooling. Rest is ok.

If single, go for shared accommodation . You will find a lot of like minded people whom you can share an apartment with. This will cost you roughly 5-6 k a month ( furnished).
For transportation, i would suggest do not buy a car immediately. Rent a car for a few months. Per month rental for a small car is around 1600- 2000. Bigger are expensive( exclusive of fuel cost.. which is not much)
Communication allowance is good. You can save a bit here. Other expenses are totally up to your lifestyle.

B.t.w, what kind of entertainer are you?
