If I were to advise this respected women, She needs to be much closer to the God by means of Prayers and other activities such reading Quran etc.,

As per the writing, this is a suspicious story. Any one going to have a suspect, whether it be wife against husband or husband against the wife, this will be the start of the problem.

There is a saying, when there is a women and a man who are strangers in a lonely place, there is a 03rd person. That is called Saitan.

Here in this case, I personally believe as per the article, as there is no guilty found from the husband, the Saitan playing a very good role in the mind of the women.

However man made law and opinions are for you and not for me. The god messages are for me not for you. What does it mean: The human will always talk about others and it’s easy. If they were to follow what God, say’s, the first person to follow is me not you.
When that is the case, if the people are willing to accept the word of God, there want be any problem.

Thank you & above is my personal opinion.