Taking a look at it, one wouldn't try to risk investing in purchasing gold items now. Gold Prices fluctuate a lot, and hence maybe there is a concern that the market prices won't rise in near future. Just like how the oil prices are down for nearly an year now, same could happen to the gold market. Selling such items at such situations means loss. Besides excessive taxes on purchasing, taxes on carrying gold during air travel, selling etc. etc. discourages one from buying gold.
Taking a look at it, one wouldn't try to risk investing in purchasing gold items now. Gold Prices fluctuate a lot, and hence maybe there is a concern that the market prices won't rise in near future. Just like how the oil prices are down for nearly an year now, same could happen to the gold market. Selling such items at such situations means loss. Besides excessive taxes on purchasing, taxes on carrying gold during air travel, selling etc. etc. discourages one from buying gold.