don't worry mate, whether you study here, or at the States...the education is the same and I can guarantee that. The texts that you would be following, the required courses that you would be following is ditto what is at TAMU at the College Station. TAMUQ in mi opinion was the best time of my life, and a part of what I am today has been shaped by them.

Yea I agree it might be hard to get into, compared to yester-years, but this place is definitely worth trying to get into. See the plus point: You're studying in TAMUQ, with the same degree and education as the States, you get to stay with your Family, and share your ups and downs with them, whereas you won't get to do that outside, and lastly if you are really eligible, the Qatar Foundation has a generous aid program to help talented individuals gain that level of education and succeed....

sorry for the long post...please enjoy a potato while reading this :P :P :P