People return to this act, because humanity is not considered, in this case, this means that Only highly educated personnel are allowed to bring families on board, what about, highly skilled technicians, or majorly experienced personnel, or Diploma holders, on the counters, they are immediately rejecting such workforce, why, are they not human which deserve to live with there families, if they earn a wage which is illegible to live in the country, than these people have the right to bring there people to live with them, this is why the Poor guy is putting himself in Risk by fabricating a Certificate, the only reason is due to the need of living with family, Humanity shall be considered as per my own opinion, I am one of those who also suffer from Family Residency Visa Rejections, hence my family is here since 3 months on a Visit Visa, unfortunately my Child will miss out on KG-2, "Talk about education encouragement", and my wife is refusing to go back to our country, she says that she cant bare live without her flock and that she will proceed with the tutoring of our child at home.

Happy living everyone :)