I guess most of us rule following drivers run the risk of injury etc due bad driving by others and the risk has increased due to increase in no. of vehicles on the roads. Its high time some serious action is taken by the cops irrespective of who it is and then give wide publicity to their actions so that the to be offenders or the ones who have escaped so far would think thrice before attempting that again. The best option could be if the person is caught breaking the rule, stop him there and lash him in front of the public followed by other actions as are deemed fit and post the persons picture being lashed in the print media. And if the person repeats it, and is an expat, without second thought deport him within 7 days to cause havoc there where he came from. Let it seriously pinch some to stop others and make us safe on the roads. I am too afraid to drive these days as it has really become too crazy out there.