Have yourself checked for thyroid malfunction. If you have it already then you need to make yourself active. If not then may be you are too bored or have got stuck in a routine. In that case I wouldnt say go out and make friends as it isnt all that easy, not here, and may make you frustrated. So get a hobby or some activity, anything which will keep your mind and body engaged. Hopefully you would be alright without a scrub..:)
Have yourself checked for thyroid malfunction. If you have it already then you need to make yourself active. If not then may be you are too bored or have got stuck in a routine. In that case I wouldnt say go out and make friends as it isnt all that easy, not here, and may make you frustrated. So get a hobby or some activity, anything which will keep your mind and body engaged. Hopefully you would be alright without a scrub..:)