The ignorance of some is astounding. Without the advances in agriculture in the last 200 years we would have many more starving people than we do today. (Over population is a one of mankinds biggest problems but I'll leave that for the moment).
I love the way people say this company is evil, well maybe it is but not in the ways you think. GE crops are needed to feed the world's population and there are no recorded or scientific proved harmful side affects.
Evolution itself takes place by random gene mutation but I don't here you all complaining about banning evolution.
The ignorance of some is astounding. Without the advances in agriculture in the last 200 years we would have many more starving people than we do today. (Over population is a one of mankinds biggest problems but I'll leave that for the moment).
I love the way people say this company is evil, well maybe it is but not in the ways you think. GE crops are needed to feed the world's population and there are no recorded or scientific proved harmful side affects.
Evolution itself takes place by random gene mutation but I don't here you all complaining about banning evolution.