It's the societe where they live that cause psychopathy.
The Victims are weak people who can not fight to express their ideas in the family, at work, in their schools or the comunity where they live ....
So to escape this hard life environment, they create and live in their own world,environment with their own laws and their own visions of life and pleausre .
All criminals have a common point is that they feel they are rejected by society, their family, etc. ..... So They Become abnormal.
Then they become criminals, to avenge against the society ,the country ,the school ,the friends that does not respect them.
All of them are psychopaths (Bush, Bin Laden, Hitler, Sharon, etc. ..........)
It's the societe where they live that cause psychopathy.
The Victims are weak people who can not fight to express their ideas in the family, at work, in their schools or the comunity where they live ....
So to escape this hard life environment, they create and live in their own world,environment with their own laws and their own visions of life and pleausre .
All criminals have a common point is that they feel they are rejected by society, their family, etc. ..... So They Become abnormal.
Then they become criminals, to avenge against the society ,the country ,the school ,the friends that does not respect them.
All of them are psychopaths (Bush, Bin Laden, Hitler, Sharon, etc. ..........)