But a group where you can have a discussion and people see a point and accept thats your view would be good.

This to me is always the problem.

I am a very well rounded person. I see people's point of view most of the time and its interesting to learn about these things. However I have my views on the same issues and nothing will change them, however its each person's prerogitive to agree or disagree, but not shove their believes down other peoples throats.

I get nasty when people act like idiots. One person who I believe shouldn't even be commenting on QL is the dingbat who insists that the Holocast is a huge lie - I don't believe he is a real user and is only here to provoke...

If I wanted to be nasty I would start denying that the US has anything to do with the Afghan and Iraqi wars and say its all propogands, but I don't because its the truth and people died.... just like the Holocast.

My beliefs are as important as the next person, even when they post something that may go against my beliefs.. Thats what they believe and it should be respected.

Basically no one should have their beliefs, no matter what "religion" shot down and be told they are wrong and don't know what they are talking about, which what a certain faction on here do when confronted with arguments that they don't like and then proceed to become derogitory to everyone else.

If everyone could have a decent discussion on religion like Fatima, then this site would be a much better to visit....

This is my reason for not being around much.... I am tired of the mutawa...