well qdc and bloasted have a realty check

the greater middle east initiative

the west sows the discord and then they hail as "saviours"
ur contenment and ridicule and mockery at the loss of hundreds of lives in the islamic countries is the proof of the evils in ur hearts and the arrogancy and the lack of humanitarian values

google search for the new world order and the freemasons , the leaked protocols: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This is a secret document which was written by the Zionists at the end of the 19th century. It later fell into the wrong hands and was summarily exposed. The Zionists, in an attempt to cover up, labelled the document as a hoax and the poor Russian publisher as a liar. However, some interesting thing to notice are: The Protocols and their aims correspond to what the Messenger (saws)prophesised about the coming of a group of people who would pave the way for Dajjal...These aims of the Protocols have begun to occur already in the world. Aims like excessive adultery, homosexuality, pursuing the desires of this world, ignorance, crime, etc. The Zionists mean to use these methods to control and corrupt society.
, the secret societies

oh wat a really evil plot they have for the mankind,

and u know wat they destroyed u all in the name of mordernism and liberty and peace way before they attacked the muslims,
the west is nothing but a nation drowned in the most despised of the sinss
they robbed ur modesty, they made u little daughters pregnant out of wedlock in the name of freedom of expression, ur women a sex object without any obligations then they made u greedy for money , then they polluted ur foods with every kind of chemical, and "prescribed" drugs which makes u more ill and they bring more drugs for the newer illenesses
the fraud of the pharmas is a well known secret
and i testify that the west wont be able to blow out the light of Allah Almighty

the muslims are suffering because of their sins and their abandonment of the rules of Allah,may Allah make Allah make us repentent.