The two things have extremely weak correlation. In case of the a woman wearing miniskirt, she is not doing so in the hope of getting raped. Nor is she expecting that out of all the women wearing a similar dress, she would be singled out to become the victim of such a dreadful experience. In a place where there is adequate safety, there is no reason to blame a woman wearing a miniskirt.

However, if this woman, who chose to wear a miniskirt, also decides to visit a place, where for example, it is not very safe for a woman to stay anyways, for instance, a neighborhood with a high crime rate, then if something happens to her, I think she is certainly, in part, to blame, especially, if she could avoid the situation.

In the case of this man, this is 10,000 per cent clear that if you mess around with women, you get busted badly. I believe no one should harass girls even if there is no threat of immediate reprimand. I mean the girls did not come out to be bullied by a random boy.

By the way, most of you, who do not criticize the behavior of the boy, seem to be blind to the fact that girls are denied education anyways. I know of scores of incidents in which girls are simply stopped from going to school because the brother or father sees a guy standing in the street, and right or wrong, assumes that he is there with a bad intention.

To the extent that the boy was beaten up barbariously, I denounce it. But I really do not have any more pity for this guy than that. I think he should have realized the consequence of harassing girls on the bus.

By the way, do you know that, even in American law, staring at someone can tantamount to sexual harassment. So those of you who say 'he just gave a number, duh?' should try to look at it from the perspective of those girls.