Here we are not talking about primitive men and your good looking wife.

I am talking from my own personal experience, not from books. I understand that we could see it differently coming from different background.

But believe me it was not about the primitive men thing there. In that culture, you simply STAY AWAY from women. They will crack your head like an egg sometimes even if you dare to stare.

This guy had a serious problem with understanding his own culture. I felt sorry for him that he suffered such humiliation and torture, but I still hold him responsible for whatever happened to him. I am not, let me repeat, I am not saying it was justified.

Would an example make it any different?

A man has to rush to his office as he is late. On the way he finds that the road is buried in thick fog. However, he decides to drive at a high speed, hits a tree and get killed. Who is responsible? If you are not devoid of reason completely, you would know the answer. Now, if I say he is responsible for whatever happened to him, am I, in any manner, implying that his death is justified?

I never justified the man's beating. I only said he should have been prudent enough to imagine the consquences of being a daredevil to throw his phone number written on a piece of paper in a conservative society like that.