i documented our experience at http://waggingthedog.wordpress.com/category/qatar/ and hope to keep updating.

In terms of nervousness etc... it was about my 40th move and was my fourth move between countries so it was probably less nerve wracking than it is for you. When I cast my mind back to past moves I can tell you that each has been a fantastic positive experience and a growth opportunity.

Relatives and friends have enjoyed the chance to come and visit as well. You will find that many of the people you leave behind will very quickly forget you. In my experience the majority of people will expect that, as you moved away, it is your task to stay in touch. Be prepared, although there are always exceptions.

You are coming to a country that is trying very hard to find its way into the first world and, while there is a long way to go, I think they are sincere. You will find that it is a fairly safe place to be (in terms of crime as you would expect it in the EU) and that people are generally warm and friendly.

In these days of Skype, Facebook and email you are very close to home in many ways and you can always get on a plane and go home at relatively short notice. As an EU citizen you are amongst a lucky group.