a few members started going out for coffee, then bowling and dinner.

next we did billiards, Thursday night outs, beach picnic...it was like everyday there's a reason to go out.

Mondays would be coffee/shiesha nights

Wednesday would either be bowling

Thursday would be meet up at the bar

Alternate fridays would be beach or inland sea picnic....but those were the days.

These QLERS who used to spearhead and join these get together eventually moved on and outgrew QL...some had their own groups or cliques outside QL and still go out to have fun. Some settled down, have families now and/or moved out of Qatar. Some are still around peeping on QL in between their daily humdrums, posting/commenting now and then.

Why they/we don't join or initiate anymore, due to reasons...

If the newbies want to do a get-together, go ahead and have fun. :D